WOW - What a series! I love talking about relationships! I also love being loved! Don't we all! During this series, I think that it became increasingly clear just how important God is in the equation. He completes us, restores us, leads us and He perfectly loves us. When He becomes our everything and when we experience His arms and have Him look deep into our lives with His "I'm crazy about you" eyes, we find love in its purest form! It is more addictive then "Hot-n-Now Krispy Kream donuts!" If we could ever grasp just how much He loves us and would open ourselves to Him, we would become more satisfied then we could ever have hoped for! A satisfied person is more satisfying! This was the main theme in this series! This is great news for us where ever we are in our relationship journey. If your single, engaged or married! He is the key! Start with Him and stay with Him!
We invite you join us as we enter into a new series called goBIG! Here is the question that we are going to try and answer - "What is going to take to leave a God Sized impact during our generation?" Come and join us, I dare you!