Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey Outreach 2008

Thank you guys for making this event again this year.  The heartbeat for this event has a few key goals all of which come from the story of when Christ encountered the Samaritan woman at the well.  
Goal #1 - Get life filled people to pour out!
- Jesus encountered the woman in a place where people like him didn't go and instead of avoiding her, He engaged her in conversation, spoke life into her and left her convinced that He was the Messiah.
Goal# 2 - Have whole communities encounter Jesus.
The Samaritan women went back into her town and told everyone about Jesus and brought them to Him.  I believe that when we as a community go out into the community we feel His heart beating inside of us. We try and reach every home in a community  so that they all may encounter the love of Christ for themselves instead of just hearing about it from someone else.
Goal #3- So people can be full!
In the story, Jesus disciples were gone getting food while He stayed behind.  When they returned with food, He told them He was full off of doing the will of His Father.  I pray that everyone who got involved in this event this year will be full on this thanksgiving day.  I also pray for those eating the food that was given to them that they will find Christ this year and never be thirsty again.

Happy Thanksgiving Guys!  Tracy and I truly love all of you and are very thankful that God has given us the opportunity to pour His Life into yours!


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